Pocket Samovar is an international literary magazine dedicated to underrepresented post-Soviet writing, art, and diaspora. We originated in 2019 as a group of Jack Kerouac School students influenced—but not determined—by our Soviet cultural memory. As a multilingual online publication, we aspire to serve as a virtual tearoom, contributing to the dialogue between North American and Eurasian literary community and expanding the possibilities of writing.

We welcome poetry, short stories, essays, creative nonfiction, interviews, visual art, photography and film from Black, womxn, transcaucasian, baltic, eastern european, asian, central asian, indigenous, differently-abled, lgbtq+, muslim, and dissident etc. writers/poets. In honoring the complexity of diaspora and avoiding nationalisms, we understand post-Soviet broadly and any works that respond to each issue’s given theme/call are considered.


Advisory Board

Matvei Yankelevich
C.M. Chady
Boris Dralyuk
Catherine Strisik

Contributing Editors
Marina Blitshteyn
Zohra Saed


Founding Editors

Kate Shylo
Konstantin Kulakov

Ryan Onders
Anton Relin
Aubrey King

Managing Editor
Yehudith Dashevsky