Tomaž Šalamun
Translated From Slovenian by Matthew moore
Fenjadi was my guru, who I
turned up on the road.
I followed him into the wood.
He followed the woodpecker,
who followed the butterflies,
who followed a woodpecker. We
had our own glass vase each. We
took up the bark the woodpecker
tore down. Inhaled it deeply.
The sun glowed on
the river, and boats were not there.
You, is it yours, the heavenly
soil? Who said this, and to whom,
is not known.
Fenjadi je bil moj guru, ki
sem ga odkril na cesti.
Sledil sem mu v gozd. Sledil
je žolni, najprej
metuljem, ki so ga vodili k
žolni. Imela sva vsak
svojo stekleno vazo. Probirala
lubje, ki ga je žolna
rušila. Dihala sva globoko.
Sonce je žarelo ob
reki in ni bilo čolnov.
Ti, ali imaš nebeška
tla? Kdo je to komu rekel,
ni bilo znano.
Image via The Poetry Foundation
Tomaž Šalamun (1941–2014) published more than fifty books of poetry in Slovenian and English. He was awarded both the Prešeren Prize and the Jenko Prize, among his many other recognitions, and his poetry stands regarded among the great 20th and 21st century avant-garde European poets. His most recent books, published in English posthumously by Black Ocean, are Andes (2016) and Druids (2019).
Matthew Moore is the translator of Tomaž Šalamun's Opera Buffa, forthcoming from Black Ocean in Fall 2021.