Road, District 5

Huma Aatifi

Therein, in the early livelihood
of our life, we explored. Huma
Went, devoid of Western fruit,
back home.
If one could, close one wall,
worthy of love, said I.
Never without which.
Never too late to be punctual.
Swear upon, claims,
faults and hieroglyphs of a personal maze.
One could, incase one wall,
worthy of love, may I.
Brevity-misty mistakes
of missing. Walk and walk,
Missing where? The hereafter
with strokes of entire affection.


Huma Aatifi was born in Kabul. She is a painter and poet living in Flatbush. Aatifi is a Truman Capote Fellow in poetry at Brooklyn College. Her two cassettes, Master of the House, and Stone Rigning Sorrows, were released by Spacecase Records and Ever/Never Records.