it is not the time that creates time. there is some...
Inna Krasnoper
it’s not the time that creates time. there is some
time spent in it. there is a time gap in between
one time, and another
once the time has left, there no time to be restored
there is no time left
in it
and then, expecting no time, in no time – it shows up
another time. another time, that wasn't there
another time,
that has not been there yet. and
yet – it is not about the time itself
it is not about having time
for it. having spent some of the time, you
might wish for another time. to come up
to show up – at the door. at the door, where
time can enter. where you may have time, not
having spent all the time thinking about it
there it is
a time
in between. in between no time, and no time at all
there is a gap. gaping at time. gaping
at times
timing a
losing some
before getting
it. in it
a time for
for a greasy time
agreeing on time
on time
in time
Photo by Dirk Skiba
Inna Krasnoper – poet and artist – born in Ufa, she has lived in Berlin since 2011. Inna received a BA in “Dance, Context, Choreography” (UdK Berlin) and studied at the School of Engaged Art by “Chto Delat” Collective in Saint Petersburg. Inna locates her practice at the interstices of movement & writing and creates work in the form of performance-installation, written, sound and video-poetry. Her video-poetry pieces: “in other words”, “f(ol)low-wing the voice” (published in the fire-almanac) participated at the exhibitions in Berlin and Kyiv. With Russophone poetry Inna has published in [Translit], Nosorog, GRIOZA, Articulation Project,, Soloneba, F-writing and others. Her first book (“Нитки торчат”) came out in 2021 in Zentrifuga series at Voznesensky Center in Moscow. Publications in English (and multilingually) – SAND Journal 22, Slanted House Zine #3, Bridge Poetry Berlin, Dvoetochie, stadtsprachen magazin.