what has it do to me
Inna Krasnoper
what has it do to me
what has it done to me
what me has it
no me – has it to me done
no done – has it to me to consider
no cider has i been drinking
no scent has my трусы to distribute
no tribute to what it has done to me
no done in – as far as one could see
no attribution – in ending the word
no word – to be attributing to
no biting the word – as far as one could reach
no reaching across
the word
the word has sounding in multitude
it sounds – as far as one could hear
roar – is a word
it is a word to be roared
it is a word to be con-firmed
a firm word
to sentence a sentence
in relation to words that are less familiar
in a family of word – roar is quite raw
at the same time – one needs to roar affirmably
in order to be roared
the road leads to a sound that has potential
a sound is potentially raw
it is cooked in sounding
in ending multiply
in addition to the sound
i'd say – what a st-ory
orally the story is to be told
to be touched – upon
upon different directions – we multiply the story
and then it writes
it covers letters with sound
and back
uncovers sound in letters
in letters that are written
rites of sense are being to see
to detect
attaching that seeing
to another one
in fact we act
upon the rites (seeings)
then – there is a rite of spring
is this right?
why does "rite" sound like луч to me
i wouldn't know
let's let it be луч
a rite could be луч
and could be no лучше than no луч
if it is not a луч
it would sound to me like one
one of the beams would be луч
and another one – rite
let me be right about this
at least in one thing
i could be right
i could sound like this
in search of
a right word for what i'm
Photo by Dirk Skiba
Inna Krasnoper – poet and artist – born in Ufa, she has lived in Berlin since 2011. Inna received a BA in “Dance, Context, Choreography” (UdK Berlin) and studied at the School of Engaged Art by “Chto Delat” Collective in Saint Petersburg. Inna locates her practice at the interstices of movement & writing and creates work in the form of performance-installation, written, sound and video-poetry. Her video-poetry pieces: “in other words”, “f(ol)low-wing the voice” (published in the fire-almanac) participated at the exhibitions in Berlin and Kyiv. With Russophone poetry Inna has published in [Translit], Nosorog, GRIOZA, Articulation Project, Colta.ru, Soloneba, F-writing and others. Her first book (“Нитки торчат”) came out in 2021 in Zentrifuga series at Voznesensky Center in Moscow. Publications in English (and multilingually) – SAND Journal 22, Slanted House Zine #3, Bridge Poetry Berlin, Dvoetochie, stadtsprachen magazin.